Saturday, December 12, 2009

Digital Distribution is my new God

So I bought two new games today. Guess what I paid?

$7.00 USD

And people say PC gaming is prohibitively expensive.

Now granted these were not new games by any means. The first, Ostfront: Red Orchestra 41-45 came out in 2006, and was not what you would call mainstream. It's a realistic sort of multiplayer FPS that I purchased because it has (braindead) bots. At $5, what's to lose? Besides it features bolt action rifles, where you have to click fire between each shot to chamber the next round. I've played the game for a grand total of maybe 30 minutes, and already I'm in love with it. It's like ARMA, with most of the useless depth taken away in favor of interesting stuff, like trying to guess how many bullets are left in your magazine (not enough) and whether or not you can deploy a machine gun on top of a dead horse (no).

The other $2 were wantonly splurged on Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators, which I'm firing up as I type. I've read reviews that describe the game as being basically insane, and it's from an eastern European studio. I'm not sure if its possible for a game to emit a pheromone, but that combination fills me with unbridled lust. Further bulletins as events warrant.


EvilElitest said...

Where did you get these? I hope to get some cheap PC games

Get planescape torment FYI. It will change your mind on Western RPGS

warty goblin said...

I grabbed Ostfront off of a weekend sale on Steam, which should still be going. I'll try to put up some more substantial thoughts on it later, but suffice to say that it caters to all of my weak points. Also the machine guns are amazingly well implemented.

Space Rangers 2 was a one day only deal through Impulse. Normally its $20. Never being one to scoff at 90% discounts, I jumped at it. So far I haven't quite gotten through the tutorial, since last night was spent happily picking off Germans at 150 meters with a DT machine gun, but I've liked what I've seen.

In general if you don't object to digital distribution, the thing to do is to just watch Steam, Impulse and GamersGate. They tend to have some pretty extraordinary weekend sales, and right now there's a bunch of holiday promotions on as well.

EvilElitest said...

ok do you have a link to this...please?