Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hey, something happened to day

People shouldn't be afraid of their governments, they should be afraid of the creepy masked man with knives.

Remember Remember the 5th of November

Well might as well launch this blog into the political sphere, people will be happy to know that that honor and dignity will be restored to the White House soon, because Obama got elected.  Hooray.  But anyways, since i'm sure to draw more political flame, i'm going to go back to gaming.  In honor of Guy Fawk's Day, i will
1) Light an effigy on fire 
2) Blow up a major building in hopes that somehow motivates people to agree with me (yeah i don't get it either
3) Post the alignment of V, from the comic book and the movie

As i don't want to go into a giant paragraph, so i will be short.  Yeah, i know he is kinda the poster child for Chaotic Good, but honestly, he is a bit of a bastard.  He isn't good by any means, at no point in either the book or the movie he shows any sign of mercy, forgiveness, or even helping people who don't help his schemes in some way (to an extent, he saves the protagonist but more to kill the finger men than anything else).  He kills plenty of innocent people who are just doing their jobs (The television producers, normal police men, innocents harmed by the chaos he causes in the movie, too many to count in the books).  He is certainly a terrorist, i mean destroying historical buildings to prove a point (and harming innocents in the process) for the goal of both destroying the government and causing general chaos certainly isn't admirable in any way.  He mentally and physically tortures one of his best friends so he can brain wash her into becoming his successor, and assassinates a massive amount of people in a very ruthless manner.  In the books he tortures a man into insanity by destroying his massive and priceless doll collection, which is really just being a bastard (i mean, why the hell do you need to destroy all that art?  Just kill him if you want revenge).  His eventual goal in both the comic and the book is to tear down the government, and he doesn't actively promote any reform, which is pretty bad, and his whole deal is a quest for vengeance, which is described as evil in the Book of Vile Darkness.

Now bear in mind, that doesn't make him a bad character in any way.  On the contrary, that makes him a very interesting character, at least in the books, because both sides are shown positively and negatively.  In the movie there is kinda romantic dramatization of him, which i found rather disturbing (it was a good movie otherwise generally) but in the comics his whole point is to be morally grey.  In the comics it is a fight between Fascism and anarchy, while in the movie it is more of a fight between Neo Conservatism and Radical libertinism.  So for me at least, i like it because both sides are evil and yet sympathetic.  Remember, in D&D good and evil does not mean right and wrong.

Anyways, i'd peg the book version as Chaotic Evil, as he hopes to bring about total destruction of the government to form a new one, while i'd peg the other one as NE, while he is a bit more honorable and actually doubts himself, but never enough to hold himself to a consistent code


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