Yeah, you guess who won this one
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Right, well I originally planned to watch the FMA show and finish the show and comic before actually making any actual option about the OVA. However, as I said, I’m a filthy liar, so no I’m going to get back to reviewing the FMA brotherhood thing now, having watched the first episode. Now let me get some things out of the way. I thought that FMA was the singular best manga I’ve ever read, through Berserk and Vinland Saga and Historia make a close second. It is also possibly the best Anime I’ve ever seen. Now in case you haven’t heard yet, the Anime basically takes a totally different spin the end, basically taking the basic characters and making a totally different plot about half way through. And honestly, I like that. I don’t like needless change, but I like it when people take a different twist upon things and show a new perspective, its very innovative. The anime was great because while the system, world and characters were the same, the events and storyline were different, making the experience extremely innovative. So the new anime I heard is basically going to be one that actually follows the story and has a massive animation boast.
Now I’m not a big person who cares about animation, I rather liked the old one, but in terms of content I have to admit this was a good change, keeping the original design and enhancing it. This one was subbed, which I normally prefer, but FMA was one of the few animes I preferred dubbed (except Al’s voice…shudder), so I’m a little bias here. But that being said, there really isn’t much else more to say about it. For starters, it isn’t accessible to people who haven’t read the manga or seen the show, it kinda assumes that you already know what is happening. Now that fine, I assumed it was being made for people who had seen the anime but not read the manga, but then it ruins it be treating the audience in a really patronizing manner, reducing the characters to rather minimal building blocks, or just the stock images of their former selves. You see, the first ep isn’t really an episode so much as a filler OVA, you have just a series of FMA clichés going on and on, Ed hates being called short, Al is mistaken for him, Mustang gets soaked through and becomes useless, Hawkeye is exasperated, Kimblee is a psycho, Armstrong is a manly manly man, and the Fuhrer is a Crouching Nice Guy, Hidden Badass (which is rather impressive considering his title). It just felt like a series of the same old stuff being used over and over again. Even the villain was essentially Bald from the train scene (The non bald guy with one eye and a literal arm cannon) with better ideals and ice powers, and the ep ended with Lust and Gluttony being mysterious and in the shadows. The ep didn’t add anything to the series, and even worst, didn’t tell you anything about the new series. I mean, if it is based after the manga, it should show us that, this ep could have easily happened in either series. And it didn’t really feel like anything impressive. Yeah, I’m being petty, it wasn’t bad just didn’t do anything, it is like a filler. The only real thing I thought it did bad were the fight scenes, which just have become a little too absurd. In the Manga, and to a lesser extent in the anime, guns are still scary as hell, but here they seem morel like an afterthought (also if this guy can transform Ice, why not destroy the water pipes across the city?). Anyways, in the end, it didn’t really make me feel like the series is coming back. I’m still going to be looking into it, but this ep seemed to be more focused on showing off its fancy new animation budget rather than what made the series good, namely the writing and characters. To be fair through, the Fuhrer was badass in the end.
P.S. if it isn’t too much trouble, could people link this blog? I’ve been working to get more viewers
I agree with that that this is one of the best anime that has been aired(One Piece is the best for me :)) . I will watch Brotherhood later so i can really comment on how good or bad it is. But I usually prefer anime with less filler and more dedicated to manga and hopefully, subbed.
One Tree Hill Episodes
Yeah, FMA was notable for having only like 4 fillers, and one of them was a sarcastic cruel subversion of everything decent in life. I think that when i get the time (IE, when finals end) i'll go back to the anime and review that.
well, it is the first episode. It needed all the fancy stuff to show off to people. First episode is always flashy. (I haven't watched it myself though :p)
I'll wait your next thought on the anime!
eh, on the lack of reader, I think it's more on the formatting. The formatting of this blog is really chaotic and kinda.... unprofessional for me. Kinda hard to browse. You'll need to spend more time on formatting the blog, maybe even changing your theme to somewhat that looked easier to read, dunno. I don't use blogspot though. I used wordpress, so I can't really help you there.
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