yet again, this wasn't mine, but another cool monster, enjoy it :)
The Fury Entity

Inspired by Malfeas of Exalted fame, the Red Lantern Corps,
H.P. Lovecraft and all those scary bastards in the ocean.
Huge Outsider (Chaos, Extraplanar)
HD: 36d8+615 (777 hp)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 41 (+7 Dex, -2 size, +28 Natural, -2 rage), touch 15, flat-footed 34
Base Attack/Grapple: +36/+65
Attack: Leg +59 melee (3d6+31+36 red sun nimbus flare) or claw +59 melee (2d6+21+36 red sun nimbus flare)
Full Attack: 8 legs +59 melee (3d6+31+36 red sun nimbus flare) and 2 claws +57 melee (2d6+21+36 red sun nimbus flare)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.(30 ft. with legs)
Special Attacks: Aura of madness, breath weapon, burning body, cold fire desolation brand, improved grab, red sun nimbus flare, powerful limbs, spell-like abilities, wrath-stoked bonfire soul
Special Qualities: Alien mind, by agony empowered, by pain reforged, darkvision 60 ft., DR 20/epic and lawful, endless fury, epic madspawn, immunity to cold, fire, disease, exaustion, fatigue, fear, petrification, poison, mind-affecting abilities and transmutation, regeneration 15, resistance to acid, electricity and sonic 20, spell resistance 44, telepathy 1,000 ft., true seeing
Saves: Fort +37, Ref +27, Will +17
Abilities: Str 53, Dex 28, Con 45, Int 24, Wis 1, Cha 36
Skills: Appraise +7(+9 flesh), Autohypnosis +34, Balance +11, Bluff +48, Concentration +56, Craft (flesh) +46, Decipher Script +22, Diplomacy +37, Disguise +25, Hide +31, Intimidate +54, Jump +23, Knowledge (arcana) +32, Knowledge (the planes) +46, Listen +42, Move Silently +39, Psicraft +27, Search +37, Sense Motive +34, Spellcraft +29(+31 to decipher scrolls), Spot +42, Survival -5 (-3 on other planes, -3 while following tracks, -1 following tracks on other planes), Swim +59, Tumble +48, Use Magic Device +21(+23 using scrolls)
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Improved Bull-Rush, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attackb, Shock Trooper, Toughnessb
Epic Feats: Epic Prowess(x3), Improved Combat Reflexes, Superior Initiative, Terrifying Rage
Environment: The Far Realm
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 33
Treasure: Half standard; no coins, no art, all horrifying and nonflammable
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Advancement: 37+ HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: --
It is at first that you believe you are looking upon a second sun, one composed of searing, red fire. It is soon after that you realize the crimson light before you has the vague shape of both a crab and a human man. The details become apparent when you see several crab-legs sticking from it's black and red flesh, and the razor claws at the ends of it's hands and legs. It's entire body swells with red fire that crackles furiously. It roars louder than one might suspect it should be able to, then belches forth burning hot blood.
The Fury Entity is a terrible and thankfully scarcely known Far-Realm entity of massive power. It has birthed countless myths from the handful of times it has visited the Material plane and unleashed it's burning havoc upon the innocent and weak. These myths are rarely spoken of or even known, for anyone who has truly seen it is not likely to have survived the encounter.
Whatever the Entity has done, the most relevant things it has done are what it is capable in it's rare few moments of lucidity. Many people that are creatures of living rage are subject to being the 'chosen' of this malicious creature. These sorry juggernauts have had their minds shattered so that they might only feel the same endless, directionless hatred and rage the Entity does itself. Being a creature of the Far Realm, the motives it has behind these chosen are one of the greatest mysteries of all existance.
The Fury Entity does not speak coherently, as it's only a garbled fit of hatred and anger. Though the fury that's made it's physical body incapable of speech allows it's hatred to be exposed more coherently through it's screaming, hateful telepathy.
The Fury Entity weighs several dozen tons, far more than it seems it should, due to it's incredibly dense muscles. Despite it's weight, it can keep itself aloft supernaturally without effort.
Like all outsiders, the Fury Entity need only breathe, but can breath air, salt water, fresh water, Far Realm viscera, lava, infrared light and screaming.
The Fury Entity is a creature subject to the one emotion it is capable of feeling. That means it's subject toward lashing out physically, unleashing it's furious power upon anything and everything in it's path. It prefers to use it's many melee attacks, where it is capable of using most of it's natural powers and unleashing terrible irresistible damage, terrible viruses or even instant death. If incapable of reaching it's foes in time, it can use some of it's spell-like abilities to burn anything from afar. Along with physical combat, it also likes to unleash madness with it's Aura of Madness ability.
The Fury Entity's natural weapons and any weapons it wields count as chaotic and epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Alien Mind (Ex): The mind of the Entity is a raging inferno of rage and madness, swallowing anyone attempting to access these veritable gates of Hell. Any creature who attempts to read the thoughts of the Entity or otherwise study it's mind must make a Will save with a DC of 39 or suffer the effects of the insanity spell. This is a Charisma-based save.
Aura of Madness (Su): As a free action, the Entity can trigger a 40-foot-radius burst of mental chaos centered on itself. Any creature in the area must succeed on a Will save with a DC of 39. If they fail, they are affected as by the insanity spell. Any creature that successfully saves against this ability cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours. This ability is a mind-affecting compulsion effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Breath Weapon (Su): The Entity is capable of ejecting it's own hatred from it's mouth, in the form of it's own caustic, plasmic blood. This breath weapon takes the form of a 60 ft. burning red cone, and deals 20d6 points of untyped damage. Anyone caught inside the cone can make a Reflex save with a DC of 37 for half damage. Once used, this breath weapon cannot be used for another 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Burning Body (Ex): The heart and body of the Fury Entity are made of unnaturally hot plasma. Anything flammable the fury entity touches instantly ignites, and anyone grappling the Entity takes an additional 10d6 points of damage. Half this damage is fire damage; the other half results from the sheer hatred and is unaffected by energy resistance or immunity.
By Agony Empowered (Ex): The flesh of the Entity can not be brought down by any mere mortal means, rage fuels and empowers the Entity to a point of the supernatural. It cannot be killed by hit point damage. It remains alive and undisabled at -10 hp and below. Instead, at -10 hp, it takes a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity(regardless of it's immunity, granted through By Pain Reforged, see below). For every 10 hp below that it falls, the penalty increases by an additional -2. The penalty lasts until it is healed above -10 hp. It it's Strength or Dexterity fall to 0, it becomes unable to move and falls comatose. While in this comatose state, if it is dealt damage, it must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to the amount of damage it was dealt, or die.
By Pain Reforged (Ex): The body of the Fury Entity is made almost entirely of it's own hate in physical flesh. It is immune to any penalty or effect based on pain. It has also transcended weaknesses of the flesh, gaining immunity to ability damage, penalty or burn(with the exception of By Agony Empowered, see above) to it's Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores.
Cold Fire Desolation Brand (Su): The true anger the Entity feels is not always so fast and vicious, sometimes it may linger and fester within his victims. It may forgo 10 points of extra damage from it's Red Sun Nimbus Flare(see below). If it does, that enemy must make a DC 49 Fortitude save or contract demon fever. The disease takes hold immediately, with no incubation time. If it forgoes an additional 5 points of damage, the disease can affect even creatures normally immune to disease, although creatures without a Constitution score can never be affected. The save DC is Strength-based.
Endless Fury (Ex): The Entity feels rage so incredible that it is rage incarnate, the real physical embodiment of the emotion. The Fury Entity is in a constant state of rage, as a 20th level barbarian. The bonuses and penalties accrued through the rage ability are already figured into it's statistics. Unlike a normal rage, the Fury Entity is capable of concentrating just enough to use skills, spells, spell-like abilities and the like if it so desires. It is not capable of exiting it's rage.
Epic Madspawn (Ex): The Entity has a mind that is completely alien, completely insane by mortal standards. It is immune to confusion or insanity-like effects, and are not affected by Wisdom damage, drain, or burn, or by penalties to Wisdom. Additionally, it is immune to being detected by any non-epic divination spells save ones that meant to detect him within normal visual range, such as true seeing or see invisibility.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Fury Entity must hit with at least two leg or claw attacks. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it can immediately begin to burn the enemy.
Powerful Limbs (Ex): At a molecular level, the muscles of the Fury Entity are many times denser than that of a normal living creature. This makes them more powerful in comparison. The leg attacks of the Entity add one and a half it's Strength modifier to damage instead of only one time(already figured into it's statistics). It also counts it's leg attacks as two-handed weapons for the purposes of the Power Attack feat.
Red Sun Nimbus Flare (Su): The heart of the Entity is an aberrant sun of burning red plasma, and it surges from it's body when it attacks. Every melee attack it makes deals an additional 36 damage. Half this damage is fire damage; the other half results from the sheer hatred and is unaffected by energy resistance or immunity.
Regeneration: The Fury Entity's regeneration can only be overcome by weapons lawful and epic, as well as weapons forged by gods or demigods out of true love for another god or demigod.
True Seeing (Su): As the spell, and constantly active. Caster level 20th.
Wrath-Stoked Bonfire Soul (Su): Feeding upon the cosmic fires raging within it's red-sun heart, the Entity can utterly unmake living foes. Once per round, when it damages an enemy with a melee attack, it may choose to forgo all damage from red sun nimbus flare. If it does, that enemy must make a DC 49 Fortitude save or die. If it dies in this way, its corpse is twisted inside-out and then explodes, destroying the corpse. The save DC is Strength-based.
Spell-like Abilities: at will - confusion, detect thoughts, fireball, greater plane shift, greater teleport, telekinesis, rage, suggestion; 3/day - implosion, imprisonment, meteor swarm. CL 25th, all save-DC's are Charisma-based.
Skills: The Fury Entity has a +8 racial bonus on any swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
The Fury Entity has a +8 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks, and it may make Intimidate checks to demoralize enemies as a free action once per round.
Personal Comments
This is a really scary monster. Again, Epic monsters who are legitimately scary are kinda hard to pull off, but I like how hard this thing is...well look at it, its a killing machine. It doesn't quite fit in my world, so this is my own personal take on it, where I say it came from the Abyss, so its Chaotic Evil Outsider)
"The Fury Entity"
When humanity was first born, the world was still raw and fresh from creation. While populated by spirits and elementals, they drew their power from creatures nature. All spirits are ultimately mirrors of the world around them, embodying aspects of thoughts or feelings ranging from anger, to love, to nature. As humanity awoke, the spirits were reflections of the raw world, the world of animals and weather. For example, while their were creatures of rage and hatred, but they were embodiments of the rage felt by an angry bear protecting its young or a stage trying to earn a mate, not the deliberate hatred that only humanity is capable of. Anger was just another evolutionary trait, while animal might hate another, it wouldn't let this drive them to go out of their way to hunt down and kill a specific creature. Thus, when humanity came into the world, a new level of anger came into existence. A man killed his brother, jealous of his fathers favoritism, beating his brother to death with a stone. This new crime forced a new generation of spirits emerged, those who drew power from human emotions and the more complicated aspects of human anger, such as rage, hatred, vengeance, racism, wrath. The spirits became strong, as the anger they reflected was the rage of those who had the ability to simply accept love. Their is a vast multitude of creatures who are based after the very human understanding of anger, and this is what makes the Fury Entity so terrifying, as it isn't one of them. The Fury Entity is formed from something more primal than any rage that humanity is capable off. The Fury Entity is raw hatred of the universe itself, the hatred of the cosmos created by every storm, every animal who feels pain, every wild fire that rages out of control. The Fury Entity is not a creature made from anger of humanity, far more senseless and arbitrary than racism or vengeance, it is something that humanity is only able to barely touch upon, the instinctive feeling of disguise felt when seeing the weak, or the revulsion felt for somebody who stutters. The Entity has acceded any human understanding of hatred becoming something something far more alien and terrifying. This very alien nature however, means the entity hardly ever bothers the material plane, content to fester in the lowest level of the Abyss, where while not a demon, it can at least feed off something more powerful than humanity. Every so often however, this creature might break into the Material Realm, where, mortally offended by mortals needs to justify their own dislike, it lashes out, hoping to ruin this mortal feeling of reason. When ever the Fury Entity has been realized, it has destroyed whole populations, before being forced back to the Abyss. It has even appeared in the Blood War once or twice, destroying whole armies on both sides before retreating home, for even the hatred of the demons and devils is too logical for its taste. However the most terrifying aspect of this creature is
Its not alone
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