I made this blog for gaming and i want to get back to that. While Sr. Year is a hard time to take off for homebrew, some of the people i respect most at OOTs have kindly wished to donate their work on the site, to give it a permanent place of residence. All credit of this material goes to Kimm Blackleaf, I did nothing here, through i might add comments on some of these. Enjoy
Medium Construct (Extraplanar, Lawful, Living Construct)
HD: 30d10+300 (465 hp)
Initiative: +12
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 80 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 53 (+8 Dex, +25 Natural, +10 Deflection), touch 28, flat-footed 45
Base Attack/Grapple: +22/+34
Attack: Slam +40 melee (1d8+12) or electricity arc +30 ranged touch (10d6 electricity)
Full Attack: Slam +38/+33/+28/+25 melee (1d8+12) and slam +38/+33/+28 (1d8+6) or electricity arc +30 ranged touch (10d6 electricity)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Electricity arc, maneuvers, restabilize, spell-like abilities, swift blows
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., DR 20/epic and chaos, fateful excellency, force protection, immunity to death effects, electricity, fear, negative levels and sonic, living construct traits, low-light vision, sense fate disturbance, regeneration 10, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, fire 10, spell resistance 35
Saves: Fort +20, Ref +18, Will +17
Abilities: Str 35, Dex 26, Con 31, Int 14, Wis 21, Cha 27
Skills: 132(-100) skill points - Balance +43, Concentration +11, Knowledge (history) +18, Knowledge (the planes) +18, Listen +37, Martial Lore +14, Search +35, Spot +37, Survival +5(+7 on other planes)
Feats: Blade Mediation (Quicksilver Aegis), Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Dual Stance Mastery, Empower Maneuver (Quicksilver Aegis), Signature Move (adamant walls of mechanus)
Environment: The Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 25
Treasure: Standard, no coins, no art
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Advancement: 30-45 HD (medium), 45+ HD (large)
Level Adjustment: --
A steadfast and powerful looking figure suddenly appears before you. It looks as though it might be a well-built human male completely covered in articulated steel armor. Inspecting it further reveals it is in fact composed of the metal, a construct. Glowing cyan eyes pierce the darkness and bore directly into you until a feeling of sheer stability washes over you and undoes the chaos that swarms around you.
The Moiraiut are a unique group of powerful inevitables, a group of which there are only eight members and named by the order in which they were created by numerals in Menta Von. As a feature absolutely unique to natives to Mechanus, and especially to inevitables is that each of these eight moiraiut are uniquely designed. Certainly they have many similar or identical features, but under minor inspection any intelligent creature can tell one from another. This is said to be because each of these inevitables were forged against the hull of the very heart of Mechanus by mechanical gods of Law. In fact, this is true.
The moiraiut are tasked with one simple and extremely difficult thing: to maintain the proper flow of fate and destiny. They go throughout the multiverse to seek those who have marred fate too much and attempt to reverse it, and will not hesitate to dispose of law-breakers who would continue to mangle fate. Their greatest targets are those who have one way or another gone backwards in time to alter their own fate. Whether or not they are capable of it, the moiraiut can sense the attempt easily from anywhere in the Multiverse.
Moiraiut are between five and a half and six and a half feet tall, weigh exactly 600 pounds and speak Common, Menta Von and Celestial.
At the beginning of every combat, or indeed many times before a fight begins, the moiraiut will use it's restabilize ability to negate any potential advantages any transgressors might have. After this, the moiraiut will not hold back from using it's most powerful readied maneuvers through it's slam attacks or make many attacks against many targets with it's slams iterative attacks. Moiraiut are never afraid to use it's spell-like abilities, and indeed it activates it's mind blank spell-like ability at exactly the same time every day.
A moiraiut's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as lawful-aligned and epic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Electricity Arc (Su): The moiraiut are capable of generating and focusing a single arc of electricity as a standard action. This is a ranged touch attack that deals 10d6 points of electricity damage, has a critical range of 20 and a critical modifier of x2. This ability can only be used once every three rounds unless the moiraiut would be affected with at least 10 points of electricity damage, if not for it's immunity. This effectively charges the moiraiut's electricity reservoir.
Fateful Excellency (Su): The moiraiut are warriors of fate, keeping it in line but also capable of manipulating it to a degree without breaking it's rules. Once per encounter when it would roll a d20, it may choose to instead not roll, and treat the result as a 20. It is not considered a natural 20. In addition, whenever it rolls a 1 on an attack roll, saving throw, ability check, or skill check, it may reroll it, keeping the result of the reroll even if it is a 1.
Force Protection (Su): The moiraiut are capable of putting up a shield of pure invisible force to protect them from attacks. This shield can be activated and maintained as a swift action, and provides the moiraiut with a Deflection bonus to it's Armor Class equal to it's Constitution modifier(which is figured into it's statistics block). This field also helps protect against magic missile and similar spells, as the shield spell.
Maneuvers: A typical moiraiut is a skilled warrior, following strict regiments of training in martial arts. A moiraiut is capable of using maneuvers and stances as a 20th level warblade. Unlike a warblade, it only knows all the maneuvers and stances of the Quicksilver Aegis discipline and can only have a number of maneuvers readied equal to it's Charisma modifier. It may still only use one stance at a time, as a normal martial adept would.
Regeneration (Ex): Moiraiuts take normal damage from attacks that are both chaotic and epic, as well as spells of the chaos descriptor and epic spells. A moiraiut that loses a piece of it's body regrows it in 3d6 minutes. Holding the severed member against the stump enables it to reattach instantly. If the head or some other vital organ is severed, it must be reattached within 10 minutes or the moiraiut dies.
Restabilize (Su): The moiraiut is a creature capable of something unique to itself, capable of something none other than the forges and gods that created them are. This ability is the ability to align chaos into order, and negate the change someone has imposed upon the Multiverse. As a standard action, the moiraiut instantly emanates a 60 ft. field of law. Each creature within the field that does not have the Lawful subtype must make a Will save(DC 33) for every time they have used wish, limited wish, reality revision or bend reality within the last 8 days. Each failure indicates the undoing of that wish, as if it had never happened, while leaving the flow of fate intact outside of the individual(thus negating any potential paradoxes).
Additionally, it can potentially act as a mordenkainen's disjunction spell but only affecting active spells of the Chaos descriptor or chaotic magic items. This ability has a caster level of 30th.
Sense Fate Disturbance (Su): The moiraiut are created for no other purpose than to set fate back into place, and because of this they were created with a way of sensing when they are needed. Whenever fate is maladjusted, altered or warped unnaturally in any way, the moiraiut is aware of it. This includes things such as time travel, excessive use of wish or reality revision or anything along those lines. This is most useful as a plot device for DM's to use appropriately.
Swift Blows (Ex): The moiraiut are adept at attacking with their own form. The slam attack of the moiraiut is capable of making iterative attacks as though it were a manufactured weapon. It can use it's second slam attack as though it were an off-hand weapon for the purposes of two-weapon fighting. The moiraiut also adds a +6 enhancement bonus to attack rolls made with it's slam attacks.
Spell-like abilities: at will - dictum, greater plane shift, greater scrying, greater teleport, mass hold monster, tongues, true seeing; 3/day - time stop; 1/day - mind blank inevitable
EE's comments
Honestly, i want there to be more inevitables. I've always been a fan of Modrons, and I found the inevitables to be the only part of 3.5 Law creatures that interested me, and its nice that they get more leader castes. In my world they are the inevitable who have to maintain the actual laws of the rules, IE maintaining the actual idea of law. In my world their is more than 8, but in fact more like one thousand, but thats just me :)
Anyways, great job Krimm, thanks alot for everything
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