Saturday, March 27, 2010

Video game Trailer ideas

Right I was watching the Tailors for Dragon Age, and I was disgusted by the EA style anti intellectualism in them. Bioware is famed for their deep plots and good dialogue and well written stories (well not so much Dragon Age, but it still has those elements) and by the tailors you just have a mindless hack and slash, with the implication that there is more in there if you buy the game. I'm playing the game right now and while I like it, it not breaking any boundaries, which is what Bioware is suppose to be for. So I was just thinking of game ads that i would love to make

We have a man walking with some weapons over his shoulder, when a bunch of guys appear and we have a typically epic fight with lots of grunting and hitting and blood, with dramatic music, then the camera moves back and we realize that he is a gladiator fighting in a ring, and as the camera moves back we see how small and human he seems. We then go to a pair of senators who are talking about various things in the Roman based city when one of them goes "hey that was awesome" and they make some jokes about how much the fighter must work to get his six pack, then it moves back even more and we see how big the area is, then we move out to see crowds outside the city, trying to get through their daily lives, then we move back even further to see the vast expanse of the city at its whole before the camera moves away

We have typical dramatic music as we see a Roman Legion marching across the field (not real rome, fantasy wold based after one since we will see some magic and stuff) and we see vast hoards of various non roman ethnic groups the idea being that you have the whole barbarian image", and the fight starts. basically exactly like that first blight fight in dragon age orgins where the Blight charge the ruins in a style totally ripping off helms deep. except in this version, we have the Romans do some badass stunts and start to win, and lots of drama, when suddenly we hear "Bloody Sunday) as the fighting goes on and we see the mass of bodies being trampled by the approaching force


Very typical set up, a fight going in a city with badass people running around fighting, with these title going across the screen
"The most innovative RPG ever made"
"Great fun, an great hack and slash for the new system"
"A fine addition to your collection of games"
but the fight is revealed to be more a fight between revolutionaries and nobility, with both sides showing doing bad things and both sides having deserters and people trying to escape, with Zombie playing in the back ground. And the comments change to more
"A shocking display of human ability to indulge in our base instincts"
"A literal cornucopia of large words to try to sound like its intelligent"
"The most innovative game since....we haven't actually had any innovative games before, um....yeah ever?"

Actually DragonAge has gotten me thinking, expect a bunch of articles in between college vists

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