To Victory!
I’ve always been a bit baffled by blogs. Quite honestly, I don’t see the point; its just one dude ranting about himself to anyone who cares to listen. Like many of my opinions, this comes from an elitist view that allows me to look down upon anything that’s popular and make negative generalizations and dismiss any actual potential. Sadly, as I look closer, I have to admit that the idea of a blog is quite good. For the last year, I’ve been considering a blog, and in celebration of my 17th birthday I decided to start being completely original by ranting on the Internet.
Okay, really, why am I doing this?
Humor aside, I actually do have a valid reason for spending my free time ranting on line. I am a dedicated nerd by nature; I enjoy discussion/ranting about the elements of Nerd Culture, most importantly RPGs. I’ve been role-playing since I was eight, and as such, I spend a lot of my free time talking and thinking about RPGs in general. When I was in 8th grade, I came across my favorite webcomic, Order of the Stick (really, check it out, it is worth it), which I learned about from Dragon Magazine. After a year of lurking (i.e., trying to figure out how to make an account), the next year (2006) I chose the red wizard guy avatar and made my name (a deliberate misspelling of the word elitist) and got to work proving how everybody else on the internet is wrong and I’m right. Again, jokes aside, I really do like the Giantip forums, they provide actually stimulating conversation, interesting debates, and a good helpful community which is more than my high school could say, where anti-intellectualism is the norm (I’m not bitter, nope). However, after two years of online debate, I’ve noticed that I tend to be covering the same ground again and again. Don’t get me wrong, Giantip forums are the best I’ve ever seen, and I have enjoyed (and hopefully still will) my time there, however a forum community is very fluid. I find myself repeating the exact same points again and again in different threads on different topics, as new people keep showing up, or people have forgotten, or haven’t seen the old threads. This is certainly understandable in a forum, but I think its time that I move on. Okay, let’s try saying that again without sounding utterly pretentious, and I’m not leaving Order of the Stick behind because I’m suddenly too good for forums.
The main thing is, I write a lot. People who know can attest to my tendency to not only write great walls of text on a regular basis, along with massive super-posts made up of several of these walls of text. While I enjoy the forum as a pastime, I realize I’ve have most likely written enough on the forums to make a fair-sized book (not a good book, mind you, but you get the idea). So I figured, I might as well actually do something useful with all the stuff I’ve done, and so I’ve created this blog partly as a place where I can group my many opinions for reference. Also, I’ve always wanted to become a professional reviewer, but the horrible pay prevents me from considering it (unless I get absurdly successful) so I hope to use this site as a place to throw around my opinion of books/movies/games/shows/music like a petulant child throws toys -- and then belittle anyone who has the audacity to disagree with me.
Now, who am I? Well, I assume you already know me from Order of the Stick, but if not --
I am known as EvilElitest, and no, you don’t get to know my real name, because I, like god, am of the opinion that you mortals should only know as much about the world as I see fit. I have a hard time explaining myself without sounding like an utter egomaniac with delusions of grandeur, so I’ll just warn you in advance. While I wouldn’t consider myself a child prodigy or a savant on any level, I have always been very smart for my age, as well as bookish (reading LOTRS in 2nd grade even. And understanding it enough to recite it. Okay, I’ll stop gloating over petty accomplishments). Thanks to the American Publish School System, I’ve become an extremely cynical embittered person who has an inflated sense of self-importance and tends to lash out at others. Now that I’ve gotten the arbitrary self-criticism over with, I’ll move onto the small amount of personal information that I’m willing to leak out. I’m very young. I’m an American living in rural New York State. I’d say stuff about myself like “I’m very creative/brilliant/sympathetic, etc.,” but honestly, for all my claims of egotism, I always feel uncomfortable about complimenting myself. It is worth noting that I am very, very stubborn, which I, in a responsible manner, blame entirely upon my mixed heritage, specifically the Southern, Puritan, German and Scots branches of the family.
It’s actually somewhat ironic that, contrary to the rather bitter statements above, I’m actually a very happy person. I have no depression (medical or otherwise) and despite being pessimistic and cynical by nature, I generally an enjoyable, if misanthropic by nature.
It is also worth noting I have dyslexia and so, while I will honestly try to edit my work (or get other people to do it for me), my spelling can be creatively bad, so I warn you before hand.
I am also very technophobic, so the site may experience problems from time to time. It is not that I don’t care; I just have trouble actually doing the required work without destroying my own site in the process.
As a final note...Donations.
Eventually, I hope to get a donation function. Honestly, though, I’m in high school. I don’t have the normal vices of most teens and I don’t need money for much and I can make that on my own. So why have a donation function? Here is the thing; the only thing I’d spend money on is to buy new books/games. I will be using all of the money donated to this site to marinate the site, hiring help, and buying more products to review. Yeah, I know what your thinking, “wait, so he gets to spend my money on books and games.” Here is the thing; I am going to be using the books/movies/game I buy to be reviewed on this site. And, in all honestly, they are expensive, and I can’t normally afford most than a couple a month. So all the money does in fact go into the site. More later when I get a donation function.
Note, picture is from Google Imageshttp://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/4/41/NapoleonBike.jpg
Woo! It's the bestest blog ev4r!
Thanks, i should have two more articles up soon.
Great job on the blog!
Thank you, any suggestions
Welcome to the - what are they calling it these days? - oh yeah, "blogosphere!" :)
Why thank you. Right now i'm hoping to get more traffic, but so far so good
May I commemorate the occasion by giving you your own hot air balloon, red cape, and goggles.
Drat. Paypal won't let me do it.
Well, in that case, let me offer you a cameo on chapter three of my story
sweet a cameo, can i kill Eragon? please?
(Click my name to be taken to the story)
No, as Eragon isn't featured in the story, but there will be the occasional dig at Paolini, such as on chapter 9.
tell you what, if i review your story by say, December, will you link my blog to people in hopes of increasing my traffic? That would be helpful all around.
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